VoiceGate NS Gateway adds power
and versatility to your Meridian Norstar phone system.
By virtually emulating a M7310 phone set, the NS Gateway
allows the system administrator to program the Norstar KSU
through VoiceGates family of voice processing products.
i.e. VoiceGate LITE, VIP4000,
VoiceGate ICS and VoiceGate
ICS LITE. All programming administration performed with
a M7310 phone set, you can duplicate with the VoiceGate NS
Gateway. Just convert one of your voice mail ports into a
virtual M7310 phone set from your keyboard or mouse. No more
having to carry a spare phone or borrow from a busy user.
Remote programming from any
By adding a modem and communications software package, you
can remotely configure the Norstar phone system and VoiceGate
Voicemail system from any location. No more having to drive
long distances to perform programming changes. Just log on
to VoiceGate Voice Mail and activate the NS Gateway. Its
that simple.
No costly remote access devices
(RAD) required. |
Simplifies and speeds up voice
mail and phone system installations. |
Make changes to KSU configurations
Provides for low cost trouble
shooting at remote sites. |
Reduces technician travel time. |
Quicker response to customers
request for system changes. |
Facilitates access and reconfiguration
of multiple site from a central point. |
* It is compatible with all
Norstar KSUs and software releases that support M7310
phone sets. |