VoiceGate is proud to introduce
the Medical Assistant.
"Automated Medication Reminder/ .Manager Patient"
The Medical Assistant is a powerful call processor
designed to reduce the cost of, and streamline messaging within
the Dental administrative office and the clinics medical
community including: labs, physicians, pharmacists, patients
and their families.
Our powerful, easy to use modular voice mail server provides
low cost of ownership, delivering increased profitability
and customer care while at the same time allowing clinics
to add modules as budgets and circumstances permit.
Plug-in automated out-bound telephone dialing modules include:
Appointment Confirmation, Missed Appointment Rescheduling,
General Activity Announcement, Patient Test Result Dissemination
and Patient Procedure Distribution.
1-800-668-2387 / 905-508-0355
or email us, click here: |
News Release
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Medical Assistant™
Automated Medication Manager
Patient Telephone Medication Dialing Module Seen as
Revenue Generator for The Patient Care Industry
June 13, 2007
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